Sealed proposals for (CP) Construction Professionals for the Renovations of Johnson County High School, will be received by the Johnson County Board of Education (Owner), at the office of the Johnson County Board of Education, 221 Herschel Walker Drive, Wrightsville, Georgia, 31096 until 11:00 a.m., prevailing time on October 10, 2024.
The Johnson County Board of Education plans to select the most qualified Construction Professional Firm (CP) to enter into a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) contract for the construction of the above referenced projects.
The procedures for contracts as established by the Georgia Local Government Public Works Construction Law, O.C.G.A., 36-91-1 shall be followed.
A package with requirements for CP At Risk proposals may be obtained with a written request via U.S. Mail at the office of James W. Buckley and Associates, Inc.: 114 North Green Street, Swainsboro, Georgia, 30401, Attn: Teresa Moore or by email to Written requests shall be on company letterhead and include firm name, principal (owner), phone and fax numbers, and mailing address with project name, dated and signed.
The owner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive technicalities and informalities. Oral, fax, or email responses will not be acceptable.